Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Nancy Palk and Star

Nancy Palk (centre)

Pam Milner and Judy Bayley

Your Story 2010

Sandra Barre

It had been 40 years since I had seen most of you , and there are not enough (good) excuses as to why it took so long. And, for those of you who have not yet returned for a reunion, or for whom it has been awhile, just two words for you: "Come back! It's a blast!" (Well, maybe more than two words!) (And, you WILL recognize everyone -- seriously!!). Love to all! Sandra Barrre (after reunion 2009)

Shirley Clarke-Baxter

A big hello to all those being who suffered through 3 years with me. I am living and working still in Vancouver. I miss Montreal. Cannot believe we are all still alive -- wish you all health and happiness. love Shirley (2009)

Marion Coulter

I do believe this is a great idea and hope everyone with a computer will follow through. I miss you people more than words will ever tell. Am doing well, and looking forward to a few more years on this beautiful planet. Take care and write anytime. (2009)

Susan Killam

Hi - greetings from Charlevoix Michigan... was sorry to miss the reunion (2009) but granddaughter due to close to reunion dates and didn't want to miss her birth...am now grammy of 3...it's really so much fun...everyone looks great in the reunion photos...crazy how 40 years have passed so quickly when our 3 years at Vic seemed to last forever...hoping to retire 2010 then looking into international volunteer service...am very ready for next phase of life to begin. Best wishes and regards to all. Let's keep in touch.

Joanne Sunnocks O'Brecht

Hi Folks! I'm sorry I did not make this reunion, only the second one I have missed. We had an opportunity to go to Europe and so the rest is history. The pictures are wonderful and surprisingly I recognize almost all of you. We haven't changed a bit!! I sure do hope we can continue this tradition even though I understand the alumnae is no longer going to continue. Would love to hear what everyone is doing at this stage of life. Take care. Jo.

Kathy Gallagher Ross

Hmm, 50 words...so here we go ... Highs: Just celebrated my 38th anniversary of partnership with Arthur, husband and father of my 3 children (2 boys and one girl) and Retired in May from my job as director of public policy at United Way of Toronto.Now I am doing fitness stuff mostly, doing a Zen house cleaning 25 years of collecting in the same house. Next week I start a series of workshops on Clowning. Best job ever: working on the provincial implementation of Healthy Babies Healthy Children across Ontario and working on Best Start, a provincial initiative aimed at assuring all children get what they need to be ready and eager to learn by school age. History facts: I am breast cancer survivor (I call myself a thriver because I more than survived).

Catherine A. McLaughlin Whitmore

Married James in 1976 in Alaska where we lived for 2 years. 3 children (Allyson died shortly after her birth) all born in England where we lived for 10 years. Chris is 28, lives in Hong Kong but is based in London, England and works as a management consultant. Chris is now in remission and long may it last. Drew our youngest at 25 is married to Kate and living in Albany NY where he works at his dream job as a concept artist for the company that makes the "guitar hero" game. I consider myself a grandmother in waiting. We also lived in Los Angelos for 6 years, Houston for 15 years and 2 weeks ago moved to Chicago. I practiced as a nurse in Montreal after graduation then in England for approximately 9 years. I eventually got a BSC in Psychology followed by a Law Degree in 2001. In Houston my practice was in family law, providing services for battered women and men who qualified for free legal services. At present, I'm still unpacking boxes in Chicago .....

Irene Burns Gluck

Greetings from the state of Virginia. After graduation I worked at the Montreal Children's Hospital, in Orthopaedics, for almost 10 years. In 1978 I moved to Virginia with Gaby. We got married a month later. We have 2 children - Sarah (30 yrs.) is married and the mother of our only grandchild, Sawyer Alexander Perez. Lives nearby. Josh (28yrs.) still single and still studying at the University of Virginia also nearby. Gaby and I work together everyday. I am the business manager and nurse for his solo Orthopaedic practice. In the winter, when it gets cold here, we love to travel to warm places. We are all SCUBA divers and hikers.

Cynthia (Cindy) Scott Dudley

Do you remember in second year the British ship that was frozen in Montreal Harbour for 6 weeks and about 15 nurses went to parties on board? That's where I met Roger and we married 2 years later. After graduation I worked at the Children's Mountain Cottage Convalescent Hospital on Pine Avenue. We cared for children from northern communities with congenial hip dislocation. They convalesced in Montreal until body casts were removed. We have two children Sarah (39) and Andrew James (A.J.) (35). We moved to Toronto in 1977. I graduated from York U. 1996 with a degree in Administrative Studies (night business degree). I worked at Rouge Valley Health System for 11 years in Admin and Public Relations. I opened Dudley Health Care Communications in 1999. I retired 2 years ago. Grandchildren are wonderful fun and we have two granddaughters. We just came back from a stay on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River painting and watching the ships go by - full circle!

Sandi Morgan Andersen

Still standing after a rewarding thirty-eight year pediatric nursing career and sixty-three years of living life's ups and downs. Now happily retired, no kids, no pets, fortunate to have one very fine husband (Jeff).

Sybil MathesonYoung

The Vic was one of those decisions that I expect some would call life defining - that experience gave me friends who have remained friends over time; lead me to Toronto, where I met and married; took me to Calgary where I remain still; lead me into a career in which I am still active; and an appreciation for life, health, friends, and family.

Christine Campion Fuller

For the last 22 years of my career I was a clinic nurse specialist in the field of Rheumatology at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto. Rheumatology was in its infancy in 1984 and I was hired to run the department. It was an incredibly challenging and rewarding period in my nursing career. During my time in Rheumatology I published four articles for the "Journal of Pediatric Nursing" and was invited to speak and present at numerous international conferences. The Rheumatology team at Sick Kids was recognized by our peers to be on the leading edge of research and development. Just prior to retiring in June of 2006, I was thrilled to be awarded the Sick Kids Nursing Excellence award. Throughout this rewarding career, It gratefully recognize that those three years at the RVH nursing school allowed me to develop confidence and work ethic to progress successfully in nursing. I am blessed to have a wonderful supportive family who has encouraged me at every step. To all of you, many thanks for those special years we had together. I have never forgotten those words spoken at our graduation. "I do not know all of you, but I know you very well". It speaks volumes of the impact of our time we shared at the Royal Vic.

Pam Milner Richardson

I knew that I wanted to be a nurse from the time I was hospitalized at age 6 for meningitis. My best friend growing up was a year older than me and she went into training at the Vic, class of 1968 (Linda Trenholm Boston), so I followed her there. I was scared and naive and quiet as a probie, just trying to make it through. After so many experiences in those 3 years, I graduated feeling so special and proud to say I was an RVH grad. I have never lost that feeling. I got my BN at McGill but the ties that bind are to the Vic. Good and bad, it's all part of what went into making me who I am today.

Life story short after 1969: worked at Montreal Children's Hospital, went to McGill, worked at the Vic, married to Dave in 1973, moved to B.C. 1974, daughter Dawn born 1976 and son Keith 1979. We live in Victoria. Once our son was in school, I returned to work, as nurse receptionist/office manager for a solo GP. My husband Dave trained as a nurse in his 40's, he retired 3 years ago when his back had had enough, and I retired this past January and love it! The kids are out on their own, so now we have a dog (Bernese Mountain Dog). She keeps Dave and I busy and laughing.

I look forward to more memories this alumnae gathering and many more to come. As long as my body is willing I will be there. Please keep in touch! Love to all.

Elizabeth Shannon Inwood

My secret life unveiled! In July 2000 Martin and I finished our working careers in the Middle East but we still wanted to experience some more adventure in our lives and London, Ontario just wasn't going to do it for us! Friends had suggested we check out a small town in Mexico called Ajijic, surrounded by mountains at an elevation of 5000 ft. and on the largest lake in Mexico, Lake Chapala. We came down to Ajijic with the idea of trying it out for a year and have now been here for 10 years! Our six children and five grandchildren are all over North America so it didn't matter where we settled and being on the same continent makes it very easy to travel north.

We have made some wonderful friends in Mexico with gringo's that settle or visit here from all over the world and all have a story to tell. So when I am not doing the routine things of dailing living, laundry, grocery shopping etc. my time is spent playing tennis and doing a variety of charity work in our community. For example doing weekly visits to a 96 year old lady, Lisa, who loves to play scrabble! Martin and I have been very blessed in our lives and we continue to enjoy good health which as you all know is so important to enjoying life to its fullest!

Jean Dunning

I had big ambitions following graduation. I wanted to be a wife, mother, pediatridc nurse and maybe teach nursing. I managed to be a wife a few times, never a mother, a pediatric nurse for most of my career and a professor for 21 years. The wife and mother story is a long one and deserves to be told over a bottle of single malt. After graduation I did work at the Montreal Children's Hospital then Sick Kids in Toronto before finally moving to Ottawa in 1972. I worked in adult critical care until the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario opened and worked critical care there. In 1981 I finally took up the challenge and returned to school. I ended with a PhD! Go figure! I retired from the University of Ottawa in 2005.

I am now 9 years married to a wonderful partner, Jim, and have 2 stepsons and am living the best life ever in the country. We built our house from our bush, we cycle and ski our trails, engage in all sorts of community activities and make our own soap! I have learned to ride horses, grow vegetables, create pottery and paint with watercolours. I am also the Chair of the Board of our community health centre and on the Board of our community arts program. In our spare time we travel with friends to ski, hike or cycle. Life is full and fun and likely would have been quite different had I not trained at the RVH.

Sally Abraham

'69 Vic Grad - 6 month post grad at MNI

Nursing in England - Nursing in London, Ontario - 2 years at UWO, Occupational Therapy '71

Married in Vancouver '73

Vancouver UBC Rehabilitation Medicine (OT & Physiotherapy) Graduated '76

Vancouver - '83 worked full time and part time at GF Strong Rehabilitation Center

1978 - Michael Philip Kinney 1st child

1980 - Catherine Jane Kinney born

1982 Divorced

PT work at Pearson Hospital Extended Care for Handicapped Adults 1984-88

Self Employed 1985-1999 Integrated Physiotherapy

Lived and worked in England 2002-2004

2004-present live and work in Roberts Creek Sunshine Coast BC

Self Employed 1985-present Integrated Therapies

both children now live in Vancouver

2004 Michael married Chieko Kato

2005 - son born Kazuto Kinney

Pamela Donaldson Panet-Raymond

Giles and I were married after grad and I worked at the Vic Recovery Room for 2 years. We moved to Philidelphia for his residency in Dermatology and had our 1st daughter, Christine. Returned in 1973 and set up practice on the West Island, where I am his nurse/office manager co-ordinating clinical studies, assisting minor surgery on site, performing treatments, billing and running the day-to-day etc. It is surprisingly rewarding with a close connection to our patients. We have 2 daughters. Christine is 38 yrs. old! and is partner and vice president of Avalon Actuarial Consultants here in Montreal. She and her husband, Scott have very busy lives and travel constantly for business and pleasure. Valerie, our younger daughter is 35 yrs and is a radio-oncologist at the MGH, having just completed her fellowship in Victoria B.C. Her husband Paul is a neurologist at the MNI. They have a 5 yr old daughter, Katie who is of course, the apple of our eye. I love being a Nana! We divide our time between Montreal and our vacation home on Lake Champlain in Vermont and love to travel whenever we get a chance.

Marcia Campbell Mason

I have had a very interesting career and volunteer life which has afforded me extensive travel throughout Canada, the U.S. and Europe. I retired early from a full time position to open a consultancy in Quality Assurance in Clinical Research. Since closing my consultancy, I have enjoyed hiking, rambling, nature photography, birding, spending time with friends and a little acting on the Sunshine Coast of B.C. My volunteer life has taken on a life of its own; something I am trying to tame since moving further North on the Sunshine Coast. For brevity, the most enjoyable include being on the Program Committee of Eldercollege, where I develop and facilitate programs and provide presentations. I volunteer with Gibsons Wildlife Rehabilitation, act as a Juror and docent for the Gibsons Public Art Gallery, and work at the Heritage Playhouse on concession and as an usher. Though I worked 9-10 hour days at my last job, sometimes 7 days a week, I still find retirement has been just as busy and enjoyable. That is me in a nutshell.

Alexis Hyman Trudel
After graduation I worked at the Montreal Children's for 2 years. I met and dated Bruce through training. In 71 he was moving to Toronto to do his master's in engineering so we got married and I followed him there. I started working in maternity care and have never looked back. I have had a wonderful career delivering babies for 39 years and continue to work part-time. In 1975 we moved to Ottawa and except for a brief 4 years in Calgary, we continue to live in Ottawa.

We have 3 children. Merle (34) is married with one very new daughter and works as a paramedic. Paula (32) is also married with 2 boys and is a nurse. Colin (29) is not married yet and gratefully no longer living at home. Both girls live in Calgary and Colin is serving with the military police. My father (95 years young) lives with us. Like most of us, he is pretty independent but forgetful! In my little spare time I like to knit, read and visit with my grandchildren.